This is my first blog. The crazy F.A.Q.s :
I would like to tell you that most of the blogs that you’ll be reading here on this website will be based on “YOUR” interest, and not just what I want you to read! So, just leave a mail at [email protected], comment below or message me on my Facebook page the topic, on which you want to read the next blog!
4 days ago, I published my first book! There were a lot of questions that were asked by my friends, relatives as well as few of the readers. A few of them were repeatedly ask. So, I thought to share it as, my first blog, where I enjoyed answering in a crazy way to all the questions asked after I published my first book, Single Rule For Success.
Q. How much time did you take to write Single Rule For Success?
A. I started in mid-September and finished it in last week of November. So, almost 2 months! I liked writing, so daily after coming from the office, I used to write a few pages. When it was complete, I thought it was a thin book, but I didn’t wanted to add anything extra as whatever I wanted to share was already done. It has got the crisp of my message which I want to convey to my readers.
Q. You think to change whole life of your readers, from the book that you wrote in just two months! Isn’t it unfair?
A. The learnings are penned down in two months, not experienced! I have gone through many ups and downs in my life and observed many things in not just my life, but of my close ones too! Single Rule For Success contains the juice of all these experiences as well as my values that I have learned from my childhood! So, the book may be written in 2 months, but the experience is of more than 20 years!
Q. You are just 25 y.o.! Don’t you think, this is not the correct age to influence others, shouldn’t you have more experience?
A. NO! Experience is definitely dependent on age but if you think it is “ONLY” dependent on age, that’s wrong! People who think like this, need to change their mind! I learn from my juniors as much as I learn from my seniors because each and every person can teach you something good, it is YOU who needs to learn!
Apart from that, If I write my 20 years of experience from 25-45 at the age of 45 will that be fine? Then why not do the same at 25? Everything is correct if you are mature enough to learn from life and move up ahead.
Q. How much money did you invest in this book?
A. ZERO! I would love to write about this in some other blog, where I can help the first time writers to publish their book with zero investment and save their resources!
Apart from this website, there was no money involved in writing, editing, designing, publishing!
These were a few repeated questions asked to me in the past four days! Will be happy to answer all the queries from my readers!
If you still haven’t read my book – Give it a try, the link is available on the homepage!
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Click here to buy paperback version!
If you have read it – Thanks a lot! I hope it helps you somehow in your life!
For fiction lovers… I am coming soon with my first fiction book soon!