When I look back…

Have you ever looked back and felt that you have missed so much?

When I look back…

I see my kindergarten classmates dancing in the class when my teacher went out for a minute…

I see my friends throwing chalks at each other and having fun in the class…

I was made monitor of the class and I was very proud of my discipline…

When I look back…

I see my best friend having full focus on his crush instead of the blackboard…

I see my classmates bunking the class…

I scored highest and I was very proud of my focus…

When I look back…

I see my cousins going on trips to beautiful places…

I see my friends going for sports competitions in other states…

I was preparing for my college entrance exams and I was proud of my dedication…

When I look back…

I see my friends doing a lot of shopping…new clothes…new shoes…new watches…

I see my brother buying a new bike…my sister buying a new phone…

I was saving for my future and I was proud of my vision and control over my expenses…

When I look back…

I see my colleagues doing only what is required…

Few of them had a great work life balance…

I was the best performer and got multiple promotions and I was proud of my hard work…


I see all my friends settled… some rich… some okay okay… but they don’t have any regrets in life…

I see all my friends happy as they lived their lives in the present and not in the plannings…

I did great in school, college and office…

best student…best performer…best employee…best boss…but…

I regret now!

When I look back…

I want to play in class like others did… I want to be crazy and not monitor others…

I want to talk to the girl who used to greet me daily with a beautiful smile…

I want to go on trips with my cousins and on sports competitions with my friends…

I want to spend on food and travel… and not just save everything for my retirement…

I want to spend life with my parents… wife… and kids… and not invest my full time in work…

I want to live in the present… but the present has become past…

I want to relive my life… if I can…

When I look back…

I see no life…

If you are reading this… live in the moment… Future is important but not as important as your present!

Give time to yourself… to your family and friends… because I don’t want you to say the above lines when you grow old…

Stay happy and live long!


Check Out my other articles – http://www.vedantkhandelwal.in/blog/


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